If your business wants to reach new heights, bringing in a Northwich Social Media expert is crucial for growth. But where can you find one?
No matter the size or nature of your company, professional social media campaigns are crucial in building trust with target markets, garnering invaluable customer intelligence, boosting brand recognition, and driving web traffic growth.
Becs Bate is an experienced “social media guru”, offering her services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) looking to increase their organic social media reach. In four years’ training over 600 businesses received five-star reviews thanks to her targeted approach which prioritizes target audiences over viral posts or followers. Becs has worked with several large organisations such as Jungheinrich (global lift truck manufacturer) delivering LinkedIn training directly into sales teams as well as training dietitians at British Dietetic Association as well as numerous smaller ones like these small companies – working closely alongside these large organisations as well as providing support via training sessions tailored specifically towards target audiences instead of trying to chasing viral posts or collecting followers; she has even helped train dietitians at British Dietetic Association!
She also established The Social Flock, a community for SMEs managing their own social media, but need some accountability and support from fellow entrepreneurs. Members benefit from weekly writing sessions, monthly training webinars, expert tips from other similar businesses as well as inspiration from peers in exchange for just PS25 per month membership fees.
As a beginner to social media, begin by gathering as much knowledge about how your clients do business. Read blogs or magazines they read, listen to what is discussed on social media feeds, and get an understanding of current conversations in your client’s industry – then, tailor tools specifically tailored to their needs.
Give the Dog a Bone offers Northwich Social Media experts who can set up and help manage personalised Facebook pages that enable businesses to increase engagement and advertising through engagement strategies and grow.